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Pulp Capping

Preserving vitality when possible.
Discover more below.

Pulp Preservation
Maintains the health and vitality of the pulp.
Regenerative Potential
Encourages regeneration of dentin.
Preventative Care
Avoids the progression to root canals.

In a glance.

Consider When

  • Dental decay or trauma has nearly exposed the pulp.
  • The tooth's structure and pulp are largely intact and infection-free.

Consider Other Options If

  • The pulp is already exposed and exhibits signs of irreversible inflammation or infection.
  • The structural integrity of the tooth is compromised beyond the scope of pulp capping.

The Benefits

  • Avoids the need for more extensive procedures by treating early and effectively.
  • Supports the tooth's ability to heal naturally, potentially extending its longevity.

The Drawbacks

  • May not be suitable for all cases, particularly where infection is evident.
  • The outcome can depend on the precise application and materials used.

Learn the process.

1. Initial Assessment

The extent of decay is evaluated, and current symptoms are identified.

2. Decay Removal

The decayed and infected portions of the tooth are carefully removed while preserving healthy tooth structure.

3. Pulp Capping

An advanced dressing, such as MTA, is applied to protect the pulp and encourage dentin formation.

4. Restoration

The tooth is sealed with a high-quality dental restoration to ensure a secure, bacteria-tight barrier.

Follow Up

The tooth is re-assessed at a subsequent appointment to confirm healing and treatment efficacy.

Learn More


Infected Dentin
If an X-ray reveals the carious lesion is close to the pulp, the decayed areas are carefully removed. This is done slowly and manually to avoid exposing the sensitive pulp. At the end of the process, all "infected dentin" is removed.
Affected Dentin
The remaining dentin, called "affected dentin," is tooth structure damaged by decay but not yet infected. The treatment approach is decided based on the amount of affected dentin covering the pulp.
Indirect Pulp Capping
When a thin layer of affected dentin or natural tooth structure remains over the pulp, the capping material is placed directly on it. This aids in the healing of the affected dentin, encourages new dentin formation, and provides further protection for the pulp.
Direct Pulp Capping
If a pinpoint exposure of the pulp occurs during removal of the infected dentin, the capping material is applied to cover the exposed area. This also promotes healing of the affected dentin, stimulates new dentin formation, and provides protection for the pulp.
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What's next?

After a pulp-capping procedure, the tooth must be carefully monitored through follow-up appointments to assess the success of the treatment and ensure proper healing. If there are no symptoms during this period and x-rays confirm healing progress, the tooth is sealed with a permanent restoration. However, if symptoms persist, a conventional root canal treatment shall be done.

A message from Mirage Dental Clinic.

According to scientific studies and systematic reviews, pulp capping procedures have an average success rate of 70–90%, with indirect pulp capping typically being more successful than direct. At Mirage Dental Clinic, we are committed to preserving natural tooth structure and advocating for the least invasive treatment possible. If pulp capping is an option and is performed but doesn't show signs of successful healing, the cost will be applied toward the root canal treatment for the affected tooth, reflecting our dedication to fair and honest care.

Steps and care.

Before a pulp-capping procedure
Maintain oral hygiene and share any concerns or allergies with us.
After pulp-capping procedure
Resume normal activities.

Frequently asked.

Recovery starts immediately, with new dentin formation typically beginning within 30 days.

In cases where pulp capping does not prevent further decay or infection, root canal therapy may be necessary.

Speak with our dentists.

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